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When the discussion of cellphones and driving comes up, there’s a tendency to push the burden of change on teens, to assume that they are the ones who are most prone to texting while driving and therefore they are the ones who need the most safe driving awareness. But is that really the case? Are teens more likely to text and drive?

Teen Risk

It’s a fact: Teens take greater risks while driving. According to the “Youth Risk Behavior Survey” conducted by the CDC, nearly 40% of teens self-reported texting and driving. Not only that, but there’s evidence to suggest teen drivers who use their phones are more likely to engage in aggressive driving such as speeding, running red lights, and passing cars on the right.

Combined, these factors dramatically increase the risk of a fatal crash. It’s estimated that roughly 1-in-5 teen fatal teen car crashes occurred while a teen was texting and driving. But that raises an interesting question, how do teen texting and driving crashes compare to those of adults?


As we discussed previously, there is some compelling evidence to suggest that cellphones are a factor in about 1-in-10 fatal distracted driving incidents. That’s especially frightening because distracted driving as a whole is the cause of 25% of U.S. car crashes.

Simply put, cellphone use is the main factor in 2.5% of fatal adult car crashes but is a factor in 20% of fatal teen car crashes. That means drivers under the age of 18 are about 8x more likely to be involved in a fatal car crash due to cellphone use.

While cellphones remain a constant distraction, it’s important that parents of teens sit down with their children and discuss the real dangers of using cell phones while driving. The more teens understand the risks, the better prepared they are to make the right decision and potentially prevent a fatal crash.

If you were injured by a distracted driver, let us fight for you. If you’d like to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Bryan car accident lawyer from The Payne Law Group, don’t hesitate to contact our firm at (979) 300-7406 or send us an email.