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In 2019, Texas passed a number of laws meant to reduce accidents related to texting and driving. While the main point of these provisions is clear (don’t text and drive), there are some finer points that most drivers don’t know about Texas’ texting and driving laws. Let’s take a closer look at three points that every Texas driver should know.

1. School Zones

Texas law allows drivers to make hands-free use of cellphones while driving, except in school zones. While in a school zone (marked by those distinctive yellow crosswalks), drivers are not permitted to use their handheld devices at all. Similarly, school bus drivers are never allowed to use their phones while driving, regardless of whether they’re currently in a school zone.

2. Provisional Licenses

While the current texting and driving laws allow adults to use hands-free communication, such as voice dictation and talking on the phone, there is one major caveat. Drivers under 18 and those with a provisional license may not use their cellphone at all.

If you have a teenage driver, make sure they understand the risks of distracted driving and that they have a plan to prevent it, such as making sure they have their phone on “Do Not Disturb” while driving.

3. While In Operation

Under Texas law, you cannot send or receive electronic communications at any time while operating a vehicle. In other words, being stopped at a red light or a stop sign is not an excuse to text and drive. If you’re tempted to checking your phone at every traffic signal, know that you’re endangering yourself and others and that you might get a ticket for texting while driving.

If you were injured by a distracted driver, let us fight for you. If you’d like to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Bryan car accident lawyer from The Payne Law Group, don’t hesitate to contact our firm at (979) 300-7406 or send us an email.